All Dentists Are Pretty Much the Same

All Dentists Are Pretty Much the Same

For someone looking for a new dentist, going through dental websites can quickly lead them to believe that one dentist is pretty much the same as any other. Lots of the websites look similar to each other—many even use the same stock photos or layouts, though perhaps...
Promoting Your Practice This Valentine’s Day

Promoting Your Practice This Valentine’s Day

Valentine’s Day is fast approaching. Have you made your plans? Flowers, candy, a romantic candle-lit dinner all sound like fine ideas…but we’re talking about your marketing plans. If marketing your practice for Valentine’s Day hasn’t even...
Your 3-Step Marketing System (Step 1 – Internal)

Your 3-Step Marketing System (Step 1 – Internal)

The marketing of your practice is all-encompassing. It’s not just having a website, posting to social media, or running online paid advertising campaigns. Your marketing is everything about your practice that causes someone new to contact you or keeps your patients...
Making the Most of Experiential Marketing

Making the Most of Experiential Marketing

As a consumer, you most likely appreciate personalized service and meaningful interactions with a brand before you purchase a particular product or service. You may first be attracted to the brand because you picked up a shiny brochure or saw a catchy social media...
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